ChoirWe are excited to announce that the St. Paul's Choir will be restarted - refreshed and renewed under the capable leadership of our Music Director.
Stay tuned for more information. St. Paul's OrganInstalled by the firm of Casavant Fréres in 1918 (to the Glory of God in loving memory of Miss A.J. Kelly), St. Paul's organ was expanded by the builder in 1974 (to the Glory of God in memory of St. Paul's members who gave their lives in service to their country) and revoiced by Alain Ganon Pipe Organs in 2013 (to the glory of God in memory of William Neil Andre). Our instrument, which comprises 860 (16 ranks of) pipes distributed among the two manuals and pedalboard, beautifully supports congregational singing, student lessons and practice, as well as the occasional recital.
© 2024 St. Paul's Anglican Church Kingston